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Raising Global Awareness on STD/AIDS and Fighting the Stigma Surrounding the Disease

Welcome Message


On behalf of the Organizing Committee and AAC, we are delighted to invite you to attend CPD Accredited Global Experts Meeting on STD-AIDS and Infectious Diseases in Singapore on November 21-22, 2019.

Under the theme of ‘Raising Global Awareness on STD/AIDS and Fighting the Stigma Surrounding the Disease’, this meeting will provide an excellent opportunity for the world’s most prominent researchers and health care professionals to come together in the shared goal of improving global public health in the field of STI's, including HIV AIDS and other communicable diseases


The summit will offer congress attendees the opportunity to network with experts, present their research findings to an international audience, hear the latest scientific developments from world leaders in the HIV, STI and InfectiousDiseases field, and contribute to discussions that will shape future health policies and patient care around the world.


We are also pleased to announce that the STD AIDS 2019will take place in one of the most stunning cities in the world, Singapore.

Singapore is a safe, modern, multicultural city with a vibrant local arts and culture scene and abundant opportunities for outdoor adventures amongst a setting of incomparable natural beauty. 

We look forward to welcoming you to Singapore in November 2019 and providing you with an exceptional scientific and cultural experience!

Warm regards, 

STD AIDS 2019 | Committee Members


About Conference

We invite all the participants from all over the globe to attend Global Experts Meeting on STD-AIDS and Infectious Disease to be held November21-22, 2019 in Singapore. The conference includes a keynote presentation, Oral talks, Poster presentation, and Exhibitions.

The Conference gathers people from all over the world especially the academia, business, Industrialist, society interested to share their view on the latest research and future drugs and treatment to prevent HIV/AID. The STD AIDS 2019 conference provides an opportunity to meet the eminent leaders and their scientific research in the relevant field of STD, HIV/AIDS, and STI.

Why to attend?

The conference on STD, HIV/AIDSis a unique platform that aims to discuss and generate new ideas for the treatment and welfare of the disease. The conference will be the witness of an assembly of experts all over the globe who will present their cutting edge research for the betterment.

The Conference even conduct

·        Workshop on diagnosis and treatment of infected disease.

·        Gatheringresearchers and budding talents across the globe.

·        Interact with the world-class scientist.

·        Exhibit your research and get recognized.

Target audience:

·  Director

·  HOD

·  Business Delegates

·  Doctors

·  Professor

·  Researcher

·  Microbiologists

·  Bacteriologists

·  Virologists

·  Epidemiologists

·  Health care professionals

·  STD-AIDS associations and societies

·  Academicians 

·  Students

Benefits of attending STD AIDS 2019 Conference:

·        World-Class Speakers and Fresh new talent from across the world in the Health Industry

·        Packed Schedule: Multi-track Conference, Expo area and more.

·        To educate yourself on the diagnosis and treatment of STD-AIDS and infected diseases.

·        To increase your ability to treat the growing number of patients affected by these diseases.

·        To get a new network with your fellow primary care clinicians.

Key Dates

Deadline for Abstract Submission: September 30, 2019

Notification of Acceptance: Within 48 hours after the submission


Early bird registration Deadline: October 30, 2019


Deadline for Full-Length PaperSubmission (optional): October 30, 2019 (After this date Full-length paper or update requests will not be acknowledged)



Please note that you can pay by Invoice, PayPal or Credit Card through the registration webpage. You will also be able to reserve rooms at the conference hotel through the registration gateway.

Note: Limited seats available, so please REGISTER FOR STD AIDS 2019 CONFERENCE and book rooms early to ensure that you have a place to stay.

For all practical questions regarding abstract submission, registration or payment please contact the Conference Organizer: [email protected]


Session Tracks

Session on STD and HIV/AIDS

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)that damages the immune system by destroying the WBC and making copies by breaking down a person's immune system, which fights against infections. The progression of AIDS depends on health, background, and age. AIDS is the more severe phase of HIV infection, the last stage of untreated HIV is death. The Sexually Transmitted Disease is the infection that alters the function of the body and it is transmitted from one person to another person through sexual contact.


·        Retrovirus

·        Sexual Transmission

·        Blood Transmission

·        PerinatalTransmission

·        Asymptomatic HIV



Related: STD Conferences | STD Congress | STD AIDS Conference | HIV Meetings


Session on HIV related Infections

People living with HIV have a low CD4 count. Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are common for people who are living with HIV and the people who inject drugsHIV infected people are known as Opportunistic infections because they have the risk of being infected by other illness, as their immune system becomes weak There are life-threatening infections that occur in HIV patients like cryptococcal meningitis, toxoplasmosis, PCP, oesophageal candidiasis, lung, eye, brain infections. 


  • Common sexually transmitted infections
  • Sexually active teens and young adults
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
  • Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV)



Related: STD AIDS Congress | HIV Conferences | STD AIDS Meetings | HIV Congress


Session on Communicable Disease

The communicable disease is a transmittable disease of biologic agents such as bacteria, virus, fungi, and protozoa, multicellular parasite through direct or indirect contact. The prosperity of advanced technologies is becoming available molecular identification of pathogens but also for the more accurate monitoring of infectious disease activity. Web-based surveillance tools and methods, used by major public health institutions, give a solution for risk assessment and detection. This session discusses new methods for global and regional communicable disease surveillance and technology advances in epidemic modeling to predict and prevent future communicable diseases.


  • Hepatitis A
  • Influenza
  • Yellow fever
  • Tuberculosis


RelatedInfectious Diseases Conferences | Infection Congress | Bacteriology Conferences | MicrobiologyMeetings

Session on  Diagnoses of HIV/AIDS, STD

The STD is transferred by the virus, bacteria, fungi through direct or indirect contact. Laboratory test includes culture, microarray, and immunological tests. There is a molecular diagnosis of a sexually transmitted disease. Advance diagnosis implemented is biomarkers, ELISA, and tympanocentesis. The research analyzed a diagnostic method to identify HIV by a glycan fingerprint on HIV glycoprotein.

  • Screening
  • Antigen test
  • Nucleic acid-based tests (NAT)
  • Antigen, Antibody combined test



Related: STD Conferences | STD Congress | STD AIDS Conference | HIV Meetings


Session on Pediatric HIV/AIDS


According to the senses in 2015, they are 1.8 million children under 15 years who are being affected by HIV, an additional 400children each day gets affected. Pediatric HIV occurs during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding its symptoms are the fungal infection, pneumonia, otitis media. Virology assays are required for a diagnosis of infants lesser than 1-8 months that directly detect HIVELISA an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is used to detect HIV in older children. Rapid HIV tests are 100%simpler and provide the result within minutes. Medication drugs are necessary for HIV infected children less than one year.


  • Bone Infections
  • Bacterial and Fungal Infections
  • Viral Infections
  • Joint Infections
  • Skin Infections
  • Respiratory Infections
  • Tuberculosis (TB)
  • Zika Virus
  • Meningitis



RelatedPediatric Infectious DiseasesConferences | Pediatric HIVCongress | PediatricConferences | PediatricHealthcare Meetings


Session on Vaccinology in HIV/AIDS

vaccine is immune-biological that protect from disease and it an antibody. There is promising HIV vaccine candidate in the pipeline. Currently, there is no HIV vaccine for treating AIDS, but there is preventive HIV vaccine for the people who don’t have HIV, itis to prevent the infection in the future and therapeutic HIV vaccine designed to improve the immune response to HIV to a person who is already exposed to HIV. Hepatitis B and C which can be treated in the HIV patient by vaccination. There are immunization program and surveillance of epidemiology of the vaccine-preventable disease. This session discusses the application of future technologies and the latest trends in research


  • HIV structure
  • Clinical trials to date
  • Phase I - Free state
  • Phase II - Attachment
  • Phase III - Penetration
  • Phase IV - Uncoating


Session on Fungal Infections


Fungal infections are a  notable health problem in immune-compromised patients. There are around 1.5 million unique types of growths on Earth, however, just around 300 of those are known to

influence individuals to wipe out. Parasites live outside in soil and on plants and trees and in addition on numerous indoor surfaces and on human skin. Most fungi are not dangerous, but some types can be injurious to health. Parasitic infections in the lungs are frequently like different ailments, for example, this season's flu virus or tuberculosis. Some fungal diseases like lung infections but can be deadly.


  • Typhoid fever
  • Cholera
  • Plague
  • Syphilis
  • Gonorrhea
  • Tuberculosis
  • Pneumonia



Related: Fungal Infections Conferences | Fungal Diseases Conferences | Lung InfectionCongress | Virology Meetings


Session on Veterinary Infections


STD in animals and human has a historical bondHIV is a sexually transmitted disease that is transmitted from chimpanzees to humans. Animals that show a common STD is brucellosis found in domestic animals but can be treated with antibodies. The bacterial STD Chlamydia is shared by humans and animals that are transmitted by the mucous membrane. IIV-6 is the most confusing virus in the animal that infects Texa crickets that tend them to have more sex than the normal crickets and makes them infertile. Testing animals for STD can improve vaccination of people for getting rid of the life-threatening STD.

  • Foot Rot
  • Anthrax
  • Ephemeral Fever
  • Rabies
  • Brucellosis
  • Foot and Mouth Disease
  • Rift Valley Fever

RelatedVeterinary Infections Conferences | Veterinary Congress | STD AIDS Conferences | STI Meetings


Session on Neurological manifestation on HIV/AIDS

A new spectrum of the neurological and the neuropsychiatric problem has arisen as a challenge. The central nervous system is affected by HIV that shows complications in neurological AIDS progress complication. Severe Neurological disease is caused when there is a loss of control of HIV in the central nervous system. Covertly active and progressing neurochemical abnormalities in suppressed HIV infection. The focus of the session is to update, discuss the concept of HIV brain infection, addressing unsolved issues and control measures for the future.

  • Viral encephalitis
  • Brain abscess
  • Cryptococcal meningitis


Related: Neurological Disease Conferences | Neurological Infection Meetings | Infectious DiseasesMeetings | HIV Meetings

Session on Mucosal Immunology in HIV/AIDS


The Mucosal Immunology is the protection of the immune system from microbes by a mucous membrane. The Mucosal membrane must equal the need to respond to the pathogen by maintaining a harmonious relationship with bacteria. The latest research focuses on the global infection, immune regulation and mucosal vaccine. The best HIV treatment issuing drug Antiretroviral (ARV) treatment for the people who are infected with HIV. This session discusses the application of future technologies and the latest trends in research.


  • Unprotected sexual activity
  • simian immunodeficiency virus
  • mucosal lymphoid tissues



Related: Mucosal Immunology Congress | Immunology Conferences | Medical Immunology Gatherings | Mucosal VaccineMeetings


Session on HIV/AIDS from Mother to Child

The HIV-positive women transmit HIV to the offspring during pregnancy, breastfeeding; the majority of new infection in children is due to vertical transmission (MTCT). The prevention through antiretroviral treatment and prevention of mother-to-child transmission

(PMTCT) awareness programs to HIV-positive pregnant women to avoid infants acquiring HIV. HIV pharmaceutical reduces HIV contamination in an infant.


  • Types of STDs in pregnancy
  • Risk of transmission
  • Antimicrobial drugs
  • STD effects during pregnancy
  • Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV during Childbirth

RelatedWomen HealthConferences | Pediatric Meetings | STD AIDS Meetings | Infectious DiseasesMeetings


Session on Infertility and HIV/AIDS


Infertility is the major alarming global problem. In the HIV positive women, the ovulatory cycle, amenorrhea even complete absence of menstrual cycle takes place. The factors that result in infertility in HIV positive women are weight loss, stress, weakened the immune system and various STD. Chlamydia, among the most widely recognized sexually transmitted infections, influences an expected 100,000 pregnant ladies every year, as per the Centers for disease control and Prevention. Premature birth of the baby which happens before 37weeks of the pregnancy. Birth defects are the abnormal shapes and function of the baby. 


•           Effect of STD’s on Men’s Fertility

•           Poor growth

•           Genetic disorder

•           Mental retardation

Related: Neurological Disease Conferences | Neurological Infection Meetings | InfectiousDiseases Meetings | HIV Meetings


Session on HIV/AIDS and Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease that makes the bone weak and increases the risk of the bone to break. Experts can’t find the reason why bone loss occurs in the HIV positive patient than normal people. HIV, HIV medicines, taking other medicine for a long time, older age is the factors that increase the rate of bone loss. The increased rates of the osteoporosis among HIV infected people are a concern but it is noteworthy that the disease differs from young and middle-aged HIV infected individuals to the older ones. Osteoporosis is less common in men as compared to women.


  • Some HIV medicines. 
  • Taking other medicines for a long time 

  • Older age

RelatedOsteoporosis Congress | Osteoporosis Conferences | HIV MedicineGatherings | HIV Conferences


Session on Transplantation HIV


The rate of grief and mortality from the medical conditions in end-stage of heart, liver, and kidney disease are expanding in individuals with HIV. Presence of HIV infection as a conflict to transplantation for numerous reasons concerns for immunosuppressant use of a limited supply of donor organs with unknown long-term outcomes and, the risk of viral transference to the surgical and medical staff. This session briefs the clinical concerns combine with the treatment of renal transplant with HIV.


  • Infectious Complications
  • Risk of cancer after transplantation
  • Pretransplant vaccinations
  • Donor consideration
  • Graft reject


RelatedTransplantationConferences | HIV InfectionMeetings | InfectiousDisease Congress | Heat Congress


Session on Blood infectious diseases


 The most ordinary type of blood infection is known as sepsis, "a serious problem of septicemia. Sepsis is when inflammation throughout the body occurs. This inflammation can cause blood clots and block oxygen from reaching vital organs, resulting in organ failure. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates that over 1 million Americans get severe sepsis each year. Between 28 to 50% of these patients may die from the condition. When the inflammation occurs with extremely low blood pressure, it’s called septic shock. Septic shock is fatal in many cases.


  • Sepsis and Other Blood Infections
  • Hepatitis A, B, and C
  • Immune System
  • Transfusion-Transmitted Diseases


RelatedBlood Infectious Diseases Congress | Blood Infectious Diseases Conferences | InfectiousDisease Gatherings | HIV Conferences



Session on Plant InfectiousDisease


 Plant diseases have continuously been a challenge to plant growth and crop production in several parts of the world. Plant diseases can disturb plants by intrusive with numerous processes such as the absorbance and translocation of water and nutrients, photosynthesis, flower and fruit development, plant growth and development and cell division and enlargement. Plant diseases will be caused by different types of fungi, bacteria, phytoplasma, viruses, viroid’s, nematodes and other agents.


  • Physiological plant disorder
  • Common pathogenic infection methods
  • Disease resistance


RelatedPlant Infectious Disease Conferences | Plant Diseases Meetings | InfectiousDisease Congress | Heat Congress


Session on Zika and EbolaViruses


Zika virus could be a mosquito-borne animal virus that was first known in the Republic of Uganda in 1947 in monkeys. It was later known in humans in 1952 in the Republic of Uganda and also the United Republic of the African country.


The first recorded occurrence of Zika virus malady was rumored from the Island of Yap(Federated States of Micronesia) in 2007. This was followed by an over sized occurrence of Zika viral infection in French Polynesia in 2013 and different countries and territories within the Pacific. In March 2015, Brazil reported a large outbreak of rash illness, soon identified as Zika virus infection, and in July 2015, found to be associated with Guillain-Barre syndrome. Outbreaks and evidence of transmission soon appeared throughout the Americas, Africa, and other regions of the world. To date, a total of 86 countries and territories have reported evidence of mosquito-transmitted Zika infection.


  • Mechanism of action of virus (Zika/ Ebola)
  • Prevention and control of virus (Zika/ Ebola)
  • Pregnancy and Zika virus


RelatedZika Congress | Zika Conferences | Ebola Viruses Gatherings | Virology Conferences

Session on Personal HygienePractices


Many diseases and conditions may be prevented or control by acceptable personal hygiene and by often washing parts of the body and hair with soap and clean, running water personal hygiene practices like


• Dental Hygiene


• FacialCleanliness


• Foot Hygiene: Fish Pedicures and Fish Spas


RelatedHygieneConferences | Dental HygieneMeetings | Foot HygieneCongress | Infectious Disease Congress


Session on Antimicrobials, Antibiotics, and Antibacterial


An antimicrobial is an agent that terminates microorganisms or stops their growth. Antimicrobial medicines are classified in keeping with the microorganisms they act primarily against.

Antibiotics, additionally called antibacterial, are medications that destroy or prevent the expansion of bacterium. They include a variety of powerful medicine and are wont to treat diseases caused by bacteria. Antibiotics cannot treat infective agent infections, like cold, flu, and most coughs.

Antibacterial is anything that destroys bacteria or suppresses of their growth or their ability to reproduce. Heat, chemicals like chemical element, and antibiotic drugs all have antibacterial properties. Many medicine product for clean-up and handwashing are sold nowadays. Such a product doesn't scale back the chance for symptoms of infectious agent infectious diseases in otherwise healthy persons.


  • Disinfectants
  • Antiseptics
  • Antibiotics
  • Streptomycin
  • Cephalexin



RelatedAntimicrobialsCongress | AntibioticsConferences | AntibacterialViruses Gatherings | Microbiology Conferences


Session on Prevention, Management, and Treatment of Infectious Diseases


Infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms, like microorganism, viruses, fungi, and parasites.

Many different varieties of laboratory tests will determine microorganisms. Laboratory tests are using a sample of blood, urine, sputum, or other fluid or tissue from the body. This sample maybe


·        Stained and examined under a microscope

·        Cultured (placed in conditions that encourage the expansion of microorganisms)

·        Tested for antibodies(molecules created by the person's system in response to the microorganism)

·        Tested for a microorganism's antigens (molecules from the microorganism that can trigger an immune response in the body)

·        Tested for genetic material (such as desoxyribonucleic acid or RNA) from the being


RelatedHIV Conferences | AIDS Meetings | Immunology Congress | Infectious Disease Congress


Session on InfectiousDiseases Epidemiology


The aim of the infectious disease track is to create upon the core medicine program to develop the requisite data of the medicine, analytical and laboratory methodology, medicine and microorganism biology necessary to know the interactions of infectious agents and their hosts, vectors, and the environment.


  • Epidemiology and Disease control
  • Epidemiology and Diseases
  • Epidemiology and HIV
  • Epidemiology and Zoonosis
  • Epidemiology and Etiology
  • Epidemiology and Community Health


Related: MedicineCongress | Infectious Diseases Conferences | Bacteriology Gatherings | Biology Conferences

RelatedConferences7th WorldCongress on Control and Prevention of HIV/AIDSSTDs,and STIs | July 01-02,2019 Valencia, Spain; 2nd International Congress on Emergency Nursing and Trauma Nursing | Sep5-6, 2019, London, UK 29th International Conference on Nursing Practice |November 7-8, 2019, Melbourne, Australia; World Congress on Nursing Education and management | Nov 18-19, 2019, Singapore; 12th International Conference on AllergyImmunology, and Rheumatology | November 21-22, 2019,Singapore;


RelatedAssociations/Societies: American SexuallyTransmitted Diseases AssociationThe International Union against Sexually TransmittedInfections (IUSTI); American Sexual Health AssociationBritish HIV AssociationAIDS Healthcare Foundation San Francisco AIDS FoundationSouthwest Center for HIV/AIDSNew Zealand AIDS FoundationInternational AIDS SocietyInfectious Diseases Society of AmericaPediatric Infectious Diseases SocietyAustralasian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID); Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists

Market Analysis

AIDS/HIV is a global issue where more than 37 million people are living with HIV. The Global market analysis reports the present status and evolution of the AIDS epidemic, the market diagnosis is expected to grow further due to factors such as HIV infections, awareness about the diagnosis and treatment and advancement in technology in diagnostic tests. The hike in the global market is infectious diseases such as Hepatitis and Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), millions of people are affected by AIDS.

 The future perspective and market growth of AIDS was valued at US$ 3,790.2000Mn in 2016 and expect to reach US$ 8,718.8 Mn by 2025, the global market analysis will reach a growth at CAGR of 9.4% from 2017 to 2025.


North America and Europe take lead in the global HIV/AIDS diagnostics market with expensive tests for HIV/AIDS and innovation in drugs. The WHO European countries are the only continent that has an alarming number of HIV infected persons despite awareness, prevention, treatment, care, and support.


The HIV therapeutics the market was worth around $14 billion worldwide in 2013, and at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 0.9%, Global Data ventures this market to achieve a sum of $15 billion in deals by 2023. These deals are required to come prevalently from The US showcase, as money related starkness measures remain an essential hindrance to the development of the HIV advertise in alternate nations canvassed in this report.

 Why Singapore?

Physically Singapore is a small, but it is an economic giant. It has been Southeast Asia's most modern city. The city has Malay, Chinese, Arab, Indian and English cultures and religions. Its unique traditional complexity affords visitors a wide array of sightseeing and culinary opportunities from which to choose. The capital of the city, also called Singapore.


Major University that deals with HIV/AIDS globally:

•           University of Cambridge

•           Kings College of London

•           London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

•           Imperial College London

•           UCL Institute of Epidemiology and Health care

•           University of Sheffield

•           Pediatric Infectious disease Society

•           Columbia University

•           University of Maryland

•           Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control

•           Uppsala University

•           University of Gothenburg

•           University of Otego

•           Oslo University

•           University of Pittsburgh

•           Emory Health Sciences

•           Queensland University of Technology

•           University of Liverpool

•           University of Colorado Denver

•           Infectious Diseases Society of America

•           Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University

Major Associations related to HIV/AIDS:

•           American Medical Association

•           American Academy of HIV Medicine

•           American Society of Clinical Oncology

•           Association of Nurses in AIDS Care

•           Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology

•           Australasian Society for HIV Medicine

•           HIV Medicine Association

•           American Academy of HIV Medicine

•           AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) Network

•           amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research

•           Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS)

•           Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Immunology (CHAVI)

•           Centers for AIDS Research (CFAR)

•           Division of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (DAIDS)

•           Division of AIDS Research (DAR)

•           Forum for Collaborative HIV Research

•           HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN)

•           HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN)

•           HIV/AIDS Research at the NCI

•           International AIDS Vaccine Initiative

•           International AIDS Societ

Renowned Speakers

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date November 21-22, 2019
Poster Oppurtunity Available
e-Poster Oppurtunity Available
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